User Management Users are also entities in computer jargon and as such can be managed by Data Editor UI. In our case we use ASP.NET Core Identity for login management which we have extensively customized to integrate OAuth, OpenId Connect, SAML , custom login providers and all related user flows. The library provides a system for accessing user tables UserManager , Data Editor UI allows you to integrate this module natively, so as to exploit the underlying library by reducing the code, possible bugs and maintaining all the features. In a future article we will also analyze this component.Collecting data is useless. If you don't know what to do with it. Mattia Soldà Mattia Soldà Mar , PM Collecting data is useless I chose a deliberately provocative title for this short post.
The aim is to try to trace the perimeter of a small reflection on the tools, methods and ways photo editing servies of digital communication . In advertising, one of the most famous claims is the one that has accompanied Pirelli for a quarter of a century "power is nothing without control", but has it really made a difference or is it just a vestige of a pre digital world? Until about fifteen years ago , when the best way to make yourself known was an OOH campaign , excluding more or less memorable creativity, visibility was the exclusive prerogative of large media centers or suppliers of advertising space. The spending effort to obtain spaces was established on the basis of parameters.
Which in some cases were difficult to measure for example, depending on the geographical position of the billboard, statistics on public exposure were provided which were difficult to refute . Speaking of digital marketing, according to a study by eMarketer, global digital ad spend accounted for . % of total ad spend in , while traditional media spend accounted for . %. Following market research The gap between investments in digital media and traditional media is continuing to grow in favor of digital media until it marks a decisive gap by.